• Hard
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  • Hard Chapelle de Sales
  • Hard
  • Hard
  • Hard
  • Hard
  • Hard

Hard hikes (850 to 1500 m of elevation gain, 3 to 4 hours of walking, 10 to 20 km round-trip) in Haute-Savoie, Switzerland and Italy.

Lac du Fond

2 August 2024 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Lac du Fond is one of Valgrisenche's hidden gems. It certainly has to be earned, but the effort involved is well worth it. The path is quite steep and shady at first The path is quite steep and shady at first, but then reveals torrents and waterfalls at every bend. The route then continues over a large, gently

Lake Licony and Col de Licony

11 August 2023 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Located in the Val d'Aosta near Courmayeur, Lake Licony is one of the largest natural lakes in the region. Nestling in a basin, the changing colours in the sunlight transform Lake Licony into a veritable jewel. The route I propose continues to the Col de Licony,

Croix de la Frête

10 July 2023 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Croix de la Frête is a summit (actually, a shoulder of Montagne de Commune) in the Haut-Giffre massif. Although it is much less well-known than Mont Buet or Cheval Blanc, which are situated further up the mountain, Croix de la Frête is still an interesting itinerary because of the panoramic views

Pointe de Merdassier

24 August 2022 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Pointe de Merdassier is a summit located in the Aravis massif offering a 360° panorama on a large number of massifs, notably the Mont Charvin. The only access path to the summit of Pointe de Merdassier is very steep, perhaps the steepest I have encountered in many years

Mont Vorassay

5 June 2022 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Mount Vorassay (2287 m altitude) is a privileged observation point for a large number of prestigious and emblematic summits of Haute-Savoie. The circuit I propose below describes a loop in which the first part of the ascent is done in forest and undergrowth

Lac de Lovenex

3 June 2022 | by Pierre-Alexandre

The objective of this hike is to discover Lac Lovenex nestled in a very wild setting in the middle of a combe bounded by the Grande Miette and the Mont Valeur. This Franco-Swiss hike will take us to Pas de Lovenex, the highest point of the itinerary, in order to discover the Lac de Lovenex from

Pointe Noire de Pormenaz

12 September 2021 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Pointe Noire de Pormenaz is a summit of the Giffre massif overlooking Lac de Pormenaz situated below on its north-eastern flank. Located in a dominant position in relation to the Diosaz valley, Pointe Noire de Pormenaz remains a must-see in Haute-Savoie

Lac de la Persévérance

28 August 2021 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Nestled at the foot of the Aiguilles Rouges, the Lac de la Persévérance is a curiosity that will leave beautiful memories for the hiker. Less frequented than the popular Lac Blanc below, the Lac de la Persévérance is nonetheless a choice destination thanks to the setting it offers

Augstmatthorn via Harderkulm

4 October 2019 | by Pierre-Alexandre

Le Augstmatthorn est une cime mythique des alpes bernoises. Du haut de ses 2136 m d’altitude, le Augstmatthorn domine le Lac de Brienz en contrebas et offre un des plus beaux panoramas des Alpes

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